Monday, April 30, 2012


The month of April just passed us by....It's amazing how winter never seems to end and spring just flies away so fast-it's almost summer around here!
Here's my month of April in pictures.

 We celebrated Easter
 Enjoying some beautiful spring flowers and having fresh fruit snacks :)
 Celebrating my 29th birthday!I know...I'm ancient....And this is my last year of my twenties-sounds scary!But one day I'll be looking back thinking "wow,I was so young at 29!" .I'm not quite sure if this is a good or a bad thing :)
 Here's a beautiful birthday cake I was sent by a friend.What a nice surprise!!!And I just adore the edible tulips!

 And some of the flowers I received on my birthday.

 I wore my boots for the last time this month - we did have some really rainy days.
 I took a trip to the beach to get my eyes checked.I was really interested in doing the Lasik correction or whatever they offer now but the doctor I saw didn't really recommend it and asked me to think it over :( I was so ready and up for it but I guess it's not as safe as it appears on TV.
At least I got to see the beach :) It's really nice out there and it was hot too!The blue water makes me daydream of the long summer days.

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